Wow, What an experiment.!
244 years ago this 4th of July 2020, a group of delegates declared that the colonies in North America to be an independent nation, no longer a colony of England. And a few years later, a Nation was born and accepted after the liberation. It did not happen right away or just because they said it. It was because they believed in a common something. They took a look back at history from the beginning and wrote down all the good things and right things that would progress the human race in freedom and liberty. A little known fact; The average constitution everywhere in the world only last an average of 17 years. Many people have never been outside their country. Many have never left the state or even the county they live in. But again, many have… I traveled the world during my military service and the vast majority of the people I have met are not always fans of the “Americans” (People) but they are all fans of what the United States represent and what it stands for. Even in hostile regions, the people are just people. They are trying to live in peace and simply provide for their families. The radicals are always represented by a very small percentage of the overall population. Yes at times, we see enormous numbers of people chanting and demonstrating against the US and her actions but this is usually following an outrage of sorts. Yes, we do bad things too. Mostly in the name of good and a better final outcome, but still the general populace is subject to the propaganda they are given so sides are drawn. More people are trying to get in than are willing to get out. On the world view, this says something. It’s not just capitalism because we all have a heart problem when it comes to “more” and “selfishness”. No, it is more than that. I challenge each of you to think about that. Like a moth to a flame, throughout our brief history people have been and are still trying to get in, but why? We have so many problems and issues and difference of opinions that divide us. H.G. Wells – author of “the shape of things to come” was quoted in 1895 in another of his books as stating “Our true nationality is mankind’, his foregone conclusion that people should love the nation in which they reside. Anonymous comment: “Great short story about the senseless maliciousness of man and his desire to destroy all that he feels threatened by.” What has happened is that we have gotten away from the love of our original purpose and the basic fundamentals of what made us a people leading to the formation of a nation. This has happened just in the past 70 years out of 244 years of existence. There are a lot of reasons for this but mostly it is a heart issue. Humankind historically has had a soft spot for being part of a greater purpose, something that brings value to life. Something bigger than us, larger than life itself... The foundation of our government was exactly that spirit. John Quincy Adams in 1837 asked participants at a 4th of July celebration where he was asked to speak “why are you assembled?” If you zoom out and look at the entire 244 years, we as well as the human race has progressed. We should not focus on one small point in time or what I am going through today, but what we have done and accomplished as a people. Have we advanced the human experiment? I say yes. In 1970 Billy Graham gave a publicized speech / sermon Celebrating our Freedoms. Often called the Ambassador of God to the American Nation he had this to say… “We are Free only until we are not free” “This country has been given privileges and responsibilities that no other Nation has in all of history.” The experiment is still working. Freedom is not the right to what we want but what we should and without fear. We have a responsibility to live in a way to preserve this Nation for our future according to the founding fathers and the Christian Values and Morales that has and continues to make us great… So how should we as a people celebrate the 4th of July? By “Solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty” John Adams
7/5/2020 00:06:37
Section 4 of the Flag Code states:
the Chief
7/5/2020 10:20:37
""The foundation of America is Freedom, and the foundation of Freedom is Faith"" Mike Pence
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