If you cannot give money, donate your time. Invest in someone who has given their all! A lot of vets in crisis mode will not willingly reach out on their own. They simply aren’t in a state of mind to want the help or even realize they need the help and will not voluntarily reach out to these organizations on their own. Those of us not in crisis mode can be the ones reaching out to them. Connect the dots so to speak. You know a vet and you know an organization, make the connection for them. Drive them, go with them, or develop the network for them. Most of us know a vet and some that are in need, but often we have to be willing to take that step for them because many times, the Vet feels like there is no help and feels quite abandoned by the system they so faithfully served. They are also filled with pride and sometimes pride hinders them from reaching out. They are so used to relying only on a trusted few and being invincible. If you do not know a vet, look around, ask others or volunteer at the VA to find someone to invest in. Often you will find a vet in need. Many Vets can connect with each other through an activity or event if someone will just reach out to them. They need the camaraderie and it is one of the best ways to communicate with them. When I meet a fellow Vet, I perk up a little and my chest fills because finally here is someone who knows and speaks my language, someone who has been there and understands me. Imagine being in a foreign country where no one speaks your language of origin. We have all been there…. think again of how it makes you feel when you finally hear someone in the distance speaking your native tongue. Many of those who served and retirees alike have companies, services and nonprofit organizations that could greatly benefit from the donation of your time. By taking this step, you gain trust and a huge network and can make a huge impact simply by spending a little time. When you work with these companies and organizations, you are able to put the people in touch with the available help.
AuthorChrist Follower Archives
August 2021
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